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While Obama Slept

The World Fell Apart

Barack has been disengaged from world affairs for his entire time as President. His only interest was on his domestic agenda. So much so, under his stewardship the world has-literally-fallen into chaos. Obama’s pathological obsession with prematurely pulling US troops out of Iraq directly led to the rebirth of terrorism in the region. Now the terrorist threat he helped to incubate has spread into Europe, with an eye to the American homeland as well.

Since Obama has vacated our place in world affairs, other powers have taken our place-Russia for instance. Every ally and opponent we have has come to the conclusion that America has become feeble and weak. This will lead to disastrous consequences for our future.

Meanwhile, Obama continues on snoozing, completely disconnected from the concerns of the majority of the American people. He’s latest nap is an attempt to take in thousands of Syrian “Refugees”. Obama laughed off the concern that some of them could be ISIS terrorists. A concern his own intelligence agencies are also warning that the Syrians could be terrorists. Yet, Obama remains in his own delusional world-a world removed from reality.

Thousands have paid for Obama’s nap with their lives. Thousands of innocent Syrians and Iraqis have been murdered by ISIS. His response to the slaughter, was to say he would destroy ISIS (or ISIL as the POTUS prefers), then he ordered a militarily insignificant number of airstrikes. Thus, the ISIS threat increased, and like the cancer it is, it metastasized. Now ISIS is launching strikes in Europe and publicly promising attacks in America. Considering the fact that ISIS has beheaded American citizens, and murdered thousands of our Iraqi allies, the situation demands a strong response from the US. Unfortunately, our Commander and Chief is so timid, he can’t even bring himself to say, “Islamic Terrorism”. So, obviously he just isn’t made of what is needed to battle murderous scum like ISIS.

This is all bad enough. But coupled with his extreme incompetency as the leader of the US military, is his weird, suicidal love for everything Islamic. Instead of speaking out against Islamic terrorism, he chastises the American people for being-as the left call it-Islamophobic. His pathological connection to Islam is placing America and the Western world in danger of extinction. He is either a complete idiot or he dislikes the American centered world of the last 75 years and wishes to assist in the creation of an Islamic centered world.

We have to survive one more year of Obama’s napping. A lot of damage can occur in this last year. Hopefully, the free world can hold on until we elect a competent, effective leader to combat this Islamic evil spreading across the world. The world is impatiently waiting.

Who's Behind The Blog

Soldier, Patriot, American to the Core!  A true believer in American Exceptionalism & the 2nd Amendment.  Liberals need not apply!

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