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Turkey: America’s Worst Ally

Have you ever had a supposed “friend” that always told you they would lend a hand if you needed it. But, when you need help moving, they won’t return your calls. This a perfect example of America’s relationship with Turkey. Except, Turkey sabotaged our moving van, making the task impossible. Turkey pays us lip service while assisting the evil Islamic State. Turkey’s lack of commitment to defeating ISIS has been highlighted by their shoot down of a Russian military jet on November 24, 2015.

I have actually known about Turkey’s useless ally status for years. I was stationed there in 2003 with the US military. At that time, on the eve of the Invasion of Iraq, Turkey decided to not allow American forces to use their territory to invade northern Iraq. This led to a scramble to move US forces to Kuwait to invade the southern border of Iraq. By limiting our invasion to only one front, Turkey had weakened our plan. While this had no effect on the result of the invasion, it was a great example of Turkey’s trustworthiness as an ally.

Today, Turkey’s betrayal is much more destructive. While trying to act like a part of the coalition against ISIS, they are one of their greatest allies (their greatest ally being Obama’s abysmal leadership). Turkey has provided military assistance to ISIS. Most ISIS recruits come via Turkey on their way to join the jihad. On top of that, a lot of Islamic States weapons come through Turkey. Rockets, arms and ammunition have been found being shipped to ISIS from Turkey. These are weapons ISIS uses to butcher thousands of innocent people.

Turkey also provides logistical support to the Islamic State. Foreign militants call turkey the “Gateway to Jihad.” But Turkish border guards acquiesce doesn’t come cheap. Some Turkish guards require $10 in order to facilitate these jihadist crossings. Turkey has stamped passports of foreign militants that have crossed into ISIS territory. Also, Egypt has claimed Turkey passes on satellite imagery to ISIS. Jordanian intelligence has accused Turkey of training ISIS militants for special operations. If true, this would make Turkey just as dangerous and guilty as the Islamic State. Jordan has proven themselves to be a loyal ally to in the war on terror, so it’s unlikely they are lying about Turkey’s involvement with ISIS.

Turkey has also provided medical treatment to ISIS militants-a kind of Obamacare where the militants don’t need to pay. Some of ISIS’s top leadership have traveled to Turkey for medical care. Of course Turkey does not arrest these terrorist leaders while they are in Turkey-after all, it’s rude to arrest one’s allies.

All of this is bad enough, but it is not the worst of Turkey’s transgressions. Turkey has long been purchasing oil from ISIS. This gives ISIS the cash it needs to finance more death and misery throughout the world. Without this cash assistance the Islamic State would not exist. There is no doubt that Turkey continues to buy this oil. They constantly tell the US that they have cracked down on this, but this is a lie. Turkey gets cheap oil and gets to help the caliphate; it’s a win win for Turkey!

Since the Obama administration has failed to take any decisive action against ISIS, Russia has filled the void. They have started a much more effective air campaign against the Islamic State than Obama ever considered implementing. There is no love-lost between Turkey and Russia, but Russia’s crusade against ISIS puts Turkey’s favorite ally at risk, thus Turkey has increased its belligerence.

On November 24th, Turkey shot down a Russian Fighter jet that allegedly strayed into Turkish air space. Turkey gleefully pointed out that the aircraft had violated their airspace and quickly wrapped themselves in the blanket of sovereignty. If a pilot hadn’t dies, this would be hilarious. Turkey has long violated Greek airspace thousands of times-so the veneer of the slighted, innocent nation is a sick joke!

However, this time Turkey may have seriously miscalculated. Not only has Russia cut-off all economic relations with Turkey, it has given Russia the perfect platform to point out Turkey’s ISIS transgressions. Turkey’s excuses have started to annoy the anti-ISIS coalition. The free world has grown tired of Turkey’s double-dealing. While Obama battles climate change, Putin battles the true threat presented by ISIS. Thus, the free nations of the world are looking to Russia for leadership. So when Russia decides to take issue with Turkey, the world listens.

Obama will certainly continue to leave his head in the climate change sand for his final year in office. Hopefully, America’s next president will have their priorities straight and will confront ISIS effectively. This means calling Turkey what they are: an ally to the bloodiest Jihadi group in history. Turkey has no place in NATO or at the international table. Until they drop their closet support of Islamists, they need to be treated like the advisory they are. It’s time to end Turkey’s facade. Turkey is little more than ISIS with lipstick.

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Soldier, Patriot, American to the Core!  A true believer in American Exceptionalism & the 2nd Amendment.  Liberals need not apply!

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